- 011 100 8048
- info@pangea.co.za
Project Planning is a vital ingredient of any project since the success or failure of projects depends upon it. There are unique factors in project planning, among them the importance of critical thinking, complexity of resourcing, impact of project specific conditions and existence of multiple stakeholders, making it particularly important. If businesses are to become more effective and efficient, planning must become more rapid, more accurate and more responsive to change. Provided that the complexity is captured, the ability to draw on best practices within any contracting framework and to re-apply knowledge already held within that framework has a major contribution. This is where planning and commercial interface becomes important.
Vast experience of Pangea in the field of project planning and scheduling has provided an in-depth knowledge, set of best practices and real case studies that are categorically led into two specific and interactive project planning courses. These courses involve the concepts, case studies and applied techniques that can help project people including project managers, engineers, project control and commercial teams and other project support staff to leave the course with a different mindset on project planning and of course with a set of toolkit and dashboards that can assist them on day-to-day project tasks.
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